My Research work related to developing Artificial Intelligence with safeguards



Mitigating negative consequences in the race to AI (PDF link)

Towards Artificial General Intelligence : A Biologically Plausible Approach
Steps to create generic Aritificial Intelligence (interactive html format)

Guidelines for interaction between Humans and Artificially Intelligent agents
Quora post, 2016

The need to setup a regulatory authority for Artificial Intelligence based systems
Quora post, 2016

A plausible roadmap for creating Artificial General Intelligence
Quora post, 2016

View my answers in Quora here for these questions:
  • What are some of the risks of Artificial General Intelligence?
  • In the future, when robots will become more advanced, will they require rights just like we need human rights? If so, what do you see them needing?
  • What problems could Artificial General Intelligence (strong AI) be used for?
  • How much data can the human brain store? Is there any limit to it? Can humans keep storing information as much as they want? If so, how?
  • Should artificial intelligence be given artificial emotion?
  • What can machine learning and AI gain from studying the human brain?
  • If dolphins are more intelligent than humans, why aren't they ruling Earth?
  • Why do we need artificial General Intelligence? Why isn't a lot of weak AI applications enough?
  • Is brain indeed learning from a few examples, unlike machine learning that requires big data, or should we consider the genetic information required for brain development as encapsulation of knowledge from big data?
  • How does backpropagation work in the brain?
  • How will an AI be made to feel pain?
  • How could in any way an AGI be friendly to humans?
  • Is the model for general AI from On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins reasonable and is it possible to use it practically?
  • Why did Microsoft's Twitter bot become offensive and racist? What was wrong with their approach? How does the implementation of this chat bot compare to others?
  • I have written a successful and strong AI chat bot. It has the intelligence of a 5 year old, does what is told, it is not good at abstraction, but it’s better than everything done in the AI field before. I want to become rich. What should I do?
  • Can artificial intelligence be racist?
  • What are the main factors which inhibit the development of a strong AI?
  • Will people ever interact with artificial intelligence programs as they would with other people? If so, how will this affect society?
  • Is the model for general AI from On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins reasonable and is it possible to use it practically?
  • I have written a successful and strong AI chat bot. It has the intelligence of a 5 year old, does what is told, it is not good at abstraction, but it’s better than everything done in the AI field before. I want to become rich. What should I do?